PQP release

Ming Lin lin at cs.unc.edu
Sun Jul 4 00:05:18 PDT 1999

PQP: Proximity Query Package

We announce the release of a new proximity query package called PQP. It is
a library for performing three types of proximity queries on a pair of
geometric models composed of triangles. They are:

1.  Collision detection - detecting whether the two models overlap, and
optionally, all of the triangles that overlap.

2. Separation distance computation - computing the minimum distance between
a pair of models, i.e., the distance between the closest pair of points.

3. Tolerance verification and approximate distance queries - determining
whether two models are closer or farther than a tolerance distance.

It uses OBBs for collision detection and family of swept sphere volumes for
distance computation and tolerance verification.  It has been successfully
applied to virtual prototyping, dynamic simulation, path planning and other
applications. It is applicable to all triangulated polygonal models,
including polygon soups.  It is free for non-commercial use.

More information about the package, new proximity query algorithms, MPEG
demonstrations and related publications can be found at:


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