Catmull-Rom cubic spline...

Paul Heckbert ph+ at
Sun Jun 25 20:28:35 PDT 2000

aupetit wrote:
> I would like a (hyper-)surface to pass through some given points.
> I am looking for a simple way to compute the gradient (tangente
> hyperplane)
> at a point knowing the "height" of its neighbors.
> The Catmull-Rom approach works for curves (intrinsic 1D) but does
> it exist some similar methods for surface (intrinsic 2D) ...

If you want a function z(x,y) that interpolates a set of (x,y,z)
points, this is called "scattered data interpolation".  Try radial
basis functions for this.  See the paper
and specifically see the paper by Jean Duchon that they cite.

Paul Heckbert, Associate Professor
Computer Science Dept., Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891, USA

ph at 

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