From John.Dickinson at Wed Apr 3 09:15:52 2002 From: John.Dickinson at (Dickinson, John) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:04 2006 Subject: mathematical swirls, spirals Message-ID: <> I am looking for mathematical equations for what would be outward growing spiral in 2D but for N-dimensional spaces. So in 3D space the equations would have to make a path through 3D space that expands outward while being fairly evenly distributed near a growing bounding sphere's surface. I need the same for ND spaces as well. Failing this, is there a equation for a spiral like path that evenly winds itself over an ND hypersphere's surface of a specified diameter without repeating any point? John ---((Insert standard disclaimer here))-|--- Ray's Rule for Precision ---- John Kenneth Dickinson, Ph.D. | "Measure with micrometer; Research Council Officer IMTI-NRC | Mark with chalk; email: | Cut with axe." ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From CA2002 at Tue Apr 9 10:56:02 2002 From: CA2002 at (Computer Animation 2002) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:04 2006 Subject: Call for Participation - CA2002 / Computer Animation 2002 Message-ID: <> -=- COMPUTER ANIMATION 2002 -=- -= The 15th Computer Animation international conference -=- // Geneva (CH), June 19-21, 2002 //, -=================================================== -=================================================== The Computer Graphics Society (CGS, is pleased to announce that the 15th Computer Animation Conference will be held in Switzerland, hosted by MIRALab (, University of Geneva, with the support of IFIP WG5.10 (Computer Graphics and Virtual Worlds). Computer Animation is an annual international conference organized by CGS and focused on the state-of-the-art of the animation by computer and its applications The conference was created in 1988 with the support of the Computer Graphics Society (CGS), Switzerland, and it is the oldest conference in the world dedicated to computer animation. Since then, it has been the definitive reference for Computer Animation and has brought together many researchers and practitioners alike. -=================================================== -=================================================== Registration is opened at For more information please check the conference web pages or send email to -=================================================== -=================================================== PRELIMINARY PROGRAM WEDNESDAY 19, JUNE 2002 9:00 REGISTRATION 10:00-10:30 WELCOME ADRESSES 10:30-11:10 FACIAL ANIMATION I 'Issues with lip-synch animation: can you read my lips?' (Invited talk) Rick Parent (The Ohio State University); Scott King; Osamu Fujimura 11:40-12:20 FACIAL ANIMATION I (CONT) 'Making discourse visible: Coding and animating conversational facial displays' Douglas DeCarlo (Rutgers University, USA); Corey Revilla; Matthew Stone; Jennifer Venditti 'Co-articulation Region Analysis for Control of 2D Faces' Douglas Fidaleo (University of Southern California, USA); Ulrich Neumann 14:00-16:00 VIRTUAL HERITAGE AND NATURAL PHENOMENA 'Haptics Technologies and Cultural Heritage Applications'(Invited Talk) M. Bergamasco (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy); A. Frisoli 'Virtual Climbing Plants Competing for Space' Bedrich Benes (ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico) 'Randomly Accessible Procedural Animation of Physically Approximate Turbulent Motion' John Hart (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA); Hui Fang 'Interactively Evolving Virtual Environment Maps with Continuous Layered Pattern Functions' Matthew Lewis (The Ohio State University, USA); Richard Parent 16:30-17:30 VIRTUAL REALITY 'Point Representation of Geometry for Irregular Objects in Image-Based VR'(Invited Talk) Enhua Wu(University of Macau); Yangci Zhang; Xuehui Liu 'Polyhedral Object Detection and Pose Estimation for Augmented Reality Applications' Ali Shahrokni (EPFL, CH); Luca Vacchetti; Pascal Fua 17:30 WELCOME DRINK AND VISIT OF MIRALAB -===================== THURSDAY 20, JUNE 2002 9:00-10:20 IMAGE-BASED MODELLING AND ANIMATION 'From Visual Input to Modeling Humans'(Invited Talk) D. Metaxas(Rutgers University.); H. Sun; K. Park; S. Goldenstein; C. Vogler; S. Lu; D. Samaras 'Evaluating Video-Based Motion Capture' Michael Gleicher (University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA); Nicola Ferrier 'GENESIS : Generation of E-Population Based on Statistical Information' Hyewon Seo (University of Geneva, CH); Lydia Yahia-Cherif; Taro Goto; Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann 10:50-12:10 DATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ANIMATION 'Homotopic Database Animation'(Invited Talk) Tosiyasu L. Kunii(Hosei University and Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan) 'AMOBA: A Database System for Annotating Captured Human Movements' Stefan Michael Gr?nvogel (Institute Laboratory for Mixed Realities at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Germany) ; Jens Piesk; Stefan Schwichtenberg; Gregor B?chel 'Extensive and Efficient Search of Human Movements with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning' Tomohiko Mukai (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan) ; Shigeru Kuriyama; Toyohisa Kaneko 13:30-14:50 STANDARDS FOR HUMAN ANIMATION 'Formational Parameters and Adaptive Prototype Instantiation for MPEG-4' Bjoern Hartmann (University of Pennsylvania, USA); Catherine Pelachaud; Maurizio Mancini 'A Web3D Toolbox for Creating H-Anim Compatible Actors' Hanspeter Bieri (University of Bern, CH); Mike Cobo 'Specifying MPEG-4 body behaviors' Anthony Guye-Vuill?me (EPFL, CH); Daniel Thalmann 15:20-17:40 AUTONOMOUS CHARACTERS AND BEHAVIOURAL ANIMATION 'Representing and Parameterizing Agent Behaviors' (Invited talk) Norman Badler (University of Pennsylvania) 'Behavioural animation of virtual humans : what kind of rules?' (Invited Talk) Daniel Thalmann (EPFL, CH) 'A Hybrid Dynamical Systems Approach to Intelligent Low-Level Navigation' Eric Aaron (University of Pennsylvania, USA); Harold Sun; Dimitris Metaxas 'Building Artificial Memory to Autonomous Agents using Dynamic and Hierarchical Finite State Machine' Tatiana Figueiredo Evers (University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brasil); Soraia Raupp Musse -=================== FRIDAY 21, JUNE 2002 9:00-10:20 DIGITAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION 'Knowledge discovery, body language and memory as asymmetric information - The architecture of the Internet media lab' (Invited Talk) Monika Fleischmann(Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication); Wolfgang Strauss 'Employing Approximate 3D Models to Enrich Traditional Computer Assisted Animation' Fabian Di Fiore (Expertise Centre for Digital Media - Limburg University Centre, Belgium); Frank Van Reeth 10:50-12:10 SIMULATION OF CLOTHES 'The state of the art in clothing : problems and solutions' (Invited Talk) Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (University of Geneva, CH);Pascal Volino; Frederic Cordier 'Bilayered Approximate Integration for Rapid and Plausible Animation of Virtual Cloth with Realistic Wrinkles' Young-Min Kang (Pusan National University, Korea); Hwan-Gue Cho 13:30-14:30 MEDICAL APPLICATIONS 'Accurate Simulation of hip joint range of motion' MyungJin Kang (University of Geneva); Hassan Sadri; Laurent Moccozet; Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann; Pierre Hoffmeyer 'Anatomy-based Joint Model for Virtual Humans Skeletons' Anderson Maciel (UFRGS/EPFL, CH); Luciana Porcher Nedel; Carla M. Dal Sasso Freitas 'Removing Tetrahedra from a Manifold Mesh' Cl?ment Forest (INRIA, France); Herv? Delingette; Nicholas Ayache 15:00-16:40 FACIAL ANIMATION II 'Lip Synchronization for Song' Scott King (University of Otago, NZ); Richard Parent 'A Conversational Virtual Character for the Web' Karlo Smid (Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia); Igor Pandzic 'Prototyping and transforming visemes for animated speech' Bernard Tiddeman (University of St Andrews, UK); David Perrett, 'Model-based Animation of Coverbal Gesture' Stefan Kopp (University of Bielefeld, Germany) ; Ipke Wachsmuth GALA NIGHT, HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL 19h00 - Welcome Cocktail 20h00 - Dinner 22h00 - Virtual Pompei Show 23h00 - Dance party -=================================================== -=================================================== = Send queries to CA2002 local committee fax: +41 22 705 77 80 email: ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From ssgrr2002s at Tue Apr 2 21:41:27 2002 From: ssgrr2002s at ( Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: Invitation to be a speaker at the SSGRR 2002s Conference in L`Aquila near Rome, Italy (Jul 29 - Aug 4 2002.) Message-ID: <> Honorable Professor, I have been appointed to serve as the General Chair of the Summer 2002 edition of the SSGRR series of international conferences, and I would like to extend a special invitation to you. The SSGRR-2002S (Summer) conference on "Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, and e-Medicine" takes place in SSGRR (Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli), the delux congress and educational center of the Telecom Italia Group of companies. This is in L'Aquila near Rome, Italy, from July 29 (Monday) at 5pm (start of the Grand Opening) till August 4 (Sunday) at 10am (departure of busses to the Rome airport Fiumicino and the railway station Tiburtina). Most of the past participants beleive that this was one of the most interesting, most useful, and definitely THE most hospitable conference they ever attended. The SSGRR-2002S will be open by Jerome Friedman from MIT (laureate of the NOBEL PRIZE) and Travor Gruen-Kennedy of Citrix (listed by some sources, together with Bill Gates, as one of the world's TOP-25 contributors to the development of the Internet). For details, see the WWW site of the conference ( Among other things, this WWW site also includes the full-blown version of the invitation letter-contract, with all relevant details ( The soft deadline for you to decide if you are coming is April 21, 2002 (in the worst case you should respond before April 28th). By that date the place for you is unconditionally reserved. After that date, you will be accepted to the conference only if the existing 240 places are not filled. Before April 21, 2002, please send only the following: (a) TITLE, (b) AUTHORS, (c) AFFILIATION, (d) ABSTRACT, and (e) STATEMENT THAT YOU WILL COME 100% (answers like "maybe" will be treated as NO answer from you). The full paper is due on April 28, 2002. The early registration price for the 6-day stay at SSGRR is EURO1200 (if you represent an institution) or EURO1440 (if you come as an individual). Coming without a paper costs you extra EURO600 or EURO720, respectively. Deadline for the early registration is June 30, 2002. If you come with an accompanying person, the early registration extra cost is EURO300, for 6 days of bed and breakfast, in an external hotel (please note that the best external hotels are 4-star, and not nearly as comfortable as the accomodation in the SSGRR complex). The SSGRR complex includes only single-bed rooms, and therefore available only to those who come without an accompanying person. If you have any questions, please check the WWW site of the conference and especially the part entitled FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions). If you still have questions or there is something that we can do for you, please write to Organizing Committee at (preferred) or if absolutely neccessary, to myself directly ( Sincerely yours, Professor V. M. Milutinovic, General Chair of the SSGRR-2002S ( P.S. No matter if you will attend the SSGRR-2002S conference or not, please let us know if you like to be invited to the Winter edition of the year 2003 (SSGRR-2003W) to be held in the same place from January 6, 2003 at 5pm till January 12, 2003 at 10am. Shall we reinvite you? Of course, if you wish not to receive again information about the SSGRR conferences, please let us know, and we will remove your name from our list. IMPORTANT DETAILS: 1. We invite participants from three groups: A: Researchers from the list of the most referenced scientists B: VIPs of succesfull high-tech companies C: Young talent (according to the criteria of the Organizing Committee) We try to maximaze the synergistic interraction among these 3 groups. 2. Your presentation is 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for discussion and the change of speakers. 3. The author of the LAST paper in the session is the session chairman, so he/she is motivated to respect the timing. The slots of the non-show-up papers are to be used for extra discussions. Moving of presentation slots is NOT permitted. 4. Timing of the session is given on the WWW site of the conference. 5. More information on the SSGRR center is given on the WWW site of the conference. 6. Transportation related information, on July 29 from Tiburtina station in Rome to SSGRR in L'Aquila, and on August 4 from L'Aquila to Tiburtina station and Fiumicino airport is given in the conference WWW site (pay attention to FAQ). 7. Details of the food schedule, social program, and all other relevant details are also given on the WWW site of the conference. ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From icalp2002 at Wed Apr 3 15:32:48 2002 From: icalp2002 at ( Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: ICALP'2002: Schedule and registration Message-ID: <> Apologize for multiple reception. Dear Mr/Madam, You can see the new version of the schedule for ICALP'2002: And the Registration is open: Best regards, ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From geomc at Sat Apr 13 12:31:24 2002 From: geomc at (Gruo de Geometria Computacional UPC) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: [DMANET] SoCG'02 Residence accommodation Message-ID: <> The organizers of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry SoCG'02, to be held at the Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) on June 5-7 2002, and the CGAL User workshop that will take place on June 4, would like to remind that on *April 14* ends the period in which only students are allowed to book a room in the RESIDENCIA D'INVESTIGADORS. AFTER THAT DATE ALL ATTENDEES ARE ALLOWED TO BOOK A ROOM. The RESIDENCIA D'INVESTIGADORS is a hotel (not a dorm) run by the Spanish National Scientific Research Authority. It is intended to provide good accommodation to visiting researchers at a good price. All rooms have prived bathroom, air conditioning, and all the usual facilities of a hotel. Vera Sacrist?n, Ferran Hurtado, Chairs ********************************************************** From bmwatts at Tue Apr 16 17:25:42 2002 From: bmwatts at (Watts, Bernadette M) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: Reminder - Call for Papers for the 11th IMR Meshing Roundtable Message-ID: <9A4B2157EFDBE546BECD68C62AC3B1C8086A942F@es05snlnt> ***TWO WEEKS LEFT BEFORE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PAPERS.*** ***Keynote Speaker - Tony Ingraffea, Invited Speakers - Herbert Edelsbrunner, Hugues Hoppe and Dimitri Mavriplis*** ***The conference proceedings will be published by Sandia National Laboratories and distributed at the Roundtable. Selective high-quality papers will be published in a special issue of Engineering with Computers.*** Join us for the 11th International Meshing Roundtable to be held on the campus at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA on September 15-18, 2002. In 1992, Sandia National Laboratories started the Meshing Roundtable as a small meeting of like-minded companies and organizations striving to establish a common focus for research and development in the field of mesh and grid generation. Sandia National Laboratories continues to organize the International Meshing Roundtable, which has become recognized as an international focal point annually attended by researchers and developers from dozens of countries around the world. The International Meshing Roundtable continues to focus on bringing together researchers and developers from academia, national labs and industry in a stimulating, open environment to share technical information related to mesh generation and general pre-processing techniques. In 2002, Roundtable attendees will enjoy the beautiful waterfalls, gorges, lakes and the rolling hills of Ithaca, New York, USA, while staying at Cornell University's Statler Hotel. This year's conference will be hosted by Cornell University with contributions from Moldflow Corporation and National Science Foundation Information Technology Research (NSF/ITR) Adaptive Software Project. EVENTS ---------- Events at Roundtable 2002 include: * Pre-conference short course on Sunday, September 15 * Technical presentations of contributed papers * Keynote Speaker * Tony Ingraffea * Invited Speakers * Herbert Edelsbrunner * Hugues Hoppe * Dimitri Mavriplis * Poster session with "Best Technical Poster," "Best Student Poster" and "Meshing Maestro" awards. We encourage submission of posters presenting novel research results as well as posters showcasing state-of-the-art technology by industry developers and meshing software vendors * Birds-of-a-Feather session providing a discussion forum for small groups of researchers working in similar fields * Panel discussion with special focus on adaptivity * Dinner banquet More information on the Roundtable, as it becomes available, will be published at the International Meshing Roundtable website: IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------ May 1, 2002 Full paper due July 1, 2002 Acceptance/Rejection notices sent to authors August 1, 2002 Final camera-ready papers due August 16, 2002 Early conference registration due August 23, 2002 Hotel reservation due for special discount rates September 15, 2002 Short Courses, Statler Hotel, Ithaca, New York September 16-18, 2002 11th International Meshing Roundtable, Statler Hotel, Ithaca, New York, USA CALL FOR PAPERS ----------------------- Papers are being sought that present original results on meshing, grid generation, and other pre-processing techniques. We encourage theoretical and novel ideas with practical potential as well as technical applications from industrial researchers. In addition to our core topics in meshing related algorithms, we are also interested in obtaining technical papers that relate analysis and application solutions to the mesh generation process. Potential topics include but are not limited to: * Adaptive meshing * Anisotropic mesh generation * CAD interface for meshing * Dynamic meshing * Geometry simplification, decomposition, and cleanup * Hybrid meshing * Industrial applications for complex geometries * Interactions between multiple meshes * Large mesh manipulation * Mesh data formats and databases of meshes * Mesh quality, smoothing, and optimization * Meshing of parametric models * Parallel meshing algorithms and software * Standards and components for mesh generation * Structured and unstructured grid generation * Surface and volume meshing from point clouds * Theoretical basis of mesh generation * Volume and surface mesh generation PROCEEDINGS AND JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUE -------------------------------------------------------- The conference proceedings will be published by Sandia National Laboratories and distributed at the Roundtable. Selective high-quality papers will be published in a special issue of Engineering with Computers. PAPER SUBMISSIONS -------------------------- Papers should contain significant technical content to be accepted. No presentation will be permitted at the conference without the submission and acceptance of a technical paper. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings and will also be available on CD. Pending author approval they may be available on the IMR website. The proceedings are printed in black and white. Papers should be 8-12 pages in length (9 point, two columns) and received by May 1, 2002. Formatting details including templates for Word and LaTeX will be available on the conference web site. Final camera-ready papers not meeting formatting guidelines will not be accepted for publication in the proceedings. Paper submissions will be accepted in Word and PostScript, electronic submission only. Papers can be transferred by anonymous ftp to (place in directory pub/incoming/jfsheph/11imr) or can be mailed to Files transferred via anonymous ftp should be named as follows, to avoid collisions on the ftp site: names should start with the first author's last name, followed by a hyphen, followed by the last four digits of the author's phone number. Authors should send email to Jason Shepherd, ( with the paper title and file name immediately after placing it on the site. Questions regarding paper submission should be addressed to Jason Shepherd, Frank Witzeman and Tamal Dey, Technical Papers Co-Chairs. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ------------------------------------- A detailed registration form will be made available on the International Meshing Roundtable website at: CONFERENCE LOCATION AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- The site of this year's Roundtable is the city of Ithaca, New York. The Roundtable will be held at the Statler Hotel located on the Cornell University campus. The hotel provides complimentary transportation to and from the Ithaca airport and bus terminals. Just let them know your arrival and departure schedule. Parking your car at the hotel will cost an additional $6.00 per car, per night. The parking is based on availability and they are limited to 74 spaces. Alternative self-parking options will be provided upon request. The Statler Hotel is within 250 miles of most major cities in the Northeast; Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, New York City. Please, check the web site at for detailed instructions on getting to Ithaca from the above locations. The Statler Hotel Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853 1-607-257-2500 (Direct) 1-607-257-6432 (Fax Number) 1-800-541-2501 (Toll-free Number) A block of rooms has been reserved at the Statler Hotel at a special conference rate of $140.00 single/$150.00 double, plus state and local taxes. Reservations must be made directly to the Statler Hotel on an individual basis. In order to facilitate reservations, attendees must dial the hotel directly and request the Reservations Department. It is imperative that individuals indicate their group affiliation (11th International Meshing Roundtable) when making reservations. To ensure obtaining this rate, participants should make their own reservations before August 23rd, 2002. Please note that September is an extremely busy time of the year in Ithaca and hotel rooms are at a premium and may be hard to obtain after August 23, 2002. STEERING COMMITTEE ---------------------------- The International Meshing Roundtable Steering Committee consists of representatives from national research labs, academia, and industry who serve on a rotating basis. This year's committee is: Nikos Chrisochoides, Chair William and Mary College, Computer Science Dept. Phone: 757-221-3466 Fax: 757-221-1717 E-mail: Jason Shepherd, Technical Papers Co-Chair Sandia National Laboratories Phone: 505-284-6600 Fax: 505-844-9297 E-mail: FTP: (pub/incoming/jfsheph/11imr) John Chawner, Co-chair for Industry and Posters Pointwise, Inc. Phone: 817-377-2807 Fax: 817-377-2799 E-mail: Frank Witzeman, Technical Papers Co-Chair Air Force Research Laboratory Phone: 937-255-4305 Fax: 937-656-7867 Email: Greg Failla, Co-chair for Industry and Posters ICEM CFD Engineering Phone: 253-265-0747 Fax: 253-265-0746 E-mail: Tamal Dey, Technical Papers Co-Chair Ohio State University Dept of CIS Phone: 614-292-3563 Fax: 614-292-2911 E-mail: ADDITIONAL CONTACTS ------------------------------- Steve Vavasis, Local Host Cornell University Computer Science Department Phone: 607-255-9213 Fax: 607-255-4428 E-mail: Anita Vasey, Conference Coordinator Sandia National Laboratories Phone: 505-844-1338 Fax: 505-844-2415 E-mail: Lynn Washburn, Financial Coordinator Sandia National Laboratories Phone: 505-845-3520 Fax: 505-844-2415 E-mail: Bernadette Watts, Webmaster Sandia National Laboratories Phone: 505-844-3936 Fax: 505-844-5670 E-mail Carol Christoffersen, Local Host Cornell Theory Center Phone: 607-254-8692 Fax: 607-254-8888 Email ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From hra at Sun Apr 14 18:07:17 2002 From: hra at (Hamid Arabnia) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: Call For Papers: 14 Joint Int'l Conferences, Las Vegas, June 24-27, 2002 Message-ID: <> Deadline for Submissions: April 25, 2002 C A L L F O R P A P E R S For Publication in Post-Conference Proceedings ============================================== The 2002 International Multiconference in Computer Science (14 Joint Int'l Conferences) Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA June 24-27, 2002 Dear Colleagues: We have received a large number of requests for permission to submit papers to be considered as RRR, SRP, or PST papers (Important: see the appended information for categories of accepted papers.) I am happy to report that we now have the infrastructure to consider all such submissions if received by April 25, 2002. You are invited to submit a draft paper (see instructions below.) All accepted papers submitted in response to this Call For Papers will be published in the respective Post-Conference proceedings/books. We expect to have about 2000 attendees for the whole event. (As of April 10, 2002, 510 papers have been accepted as RRR, SRP, and PST papers and 414 as RRP papers; we can have 260 more RRR, SRP or PST papers. The overall paper acceptance rate has been about 30%.) The Fourteen Joint Conferences are: 1. The 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'02) 2. The 2002 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology (CISST'02) 3. The 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02) 4. The 2002 International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'02) 5. The 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS'02) 6. The 2002 International Conference on Communications in Computing (CIC'02) 7. The 2002 International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'02) 8. The 2002 International Conference on VLSI (VLSI'02) 9. The 2002 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'02) 10. International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications (CMSRA'02) 11. The 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'02) 12. The 2002 International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'02) 13. The 2002 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'02) 14. The 2002 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'02) (a link to each conference's URL is available from You are requested to send your submission to the Multiconference chair whose address appears below. CONFERENCES CONTACT: H. R. Arabnia, Ph.D. Chair, The 2002 Int'l Multiconference in Computer Science The University of Georgia Department of Computer Science 415 Graduate Studies Research Center Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A. Tel: (706) 542-3480 Fax: (706) 542-2966 email: Email submissions are preferred. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers (about 5 pages - single spaced and font size of 10 to 12 - all reasonable typesetting format is acceptable) to H. R. Arabnia by April 25, 2002. E-mail submission (in Word Doc, pdf, or postscript) to is strongly preferred/encouraged. The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal address, E-mail address, telephone number, and Fax number for each author. The first page should also include the name of the conference the paper is being submitted to. IMPORTANT DATES: April 25, 2002: Submissions Due May 5 - 11, 2002: Notification of acceptance June 1, 2002: Camera-Ready papers & Prereg. due June 24-27, 2002: All 14 Int'l Conferences: PDPTA'02 + CISST'02 + IC-AI'02 + IC'02 + METMBS'02 + CIC'02 + ERSA'02 + VLSI'02 + IKE'02 + CMSRA'02 + ICMLA'02 + ICWN'02 + SERP'02 + SAM'02 PRESENTATION FORMATS / PAPER CATEGORIES: The Accepted Paper Categories are: RRR papers (Regular Research Report) will be a maximum of 7 IEEE style pages in Camera-Ready form (will be published in the proceedings). RRR papers will be presented in DISCUSSION Sessions. Authors of these papers are expected to bring with them to the conference a maximum of 10 pages describing their paper. These pages will be pinned to presentation boards during the DISCUSSION Sessions. Please use large fonts so that the paper can be read from about 1.5 meter distance - any reasonable typesetting format is acceptable. Authors of RRR papers are expected to be present during these sessions to answer any questions that readers might have (scheduled times for DISCUSSION Sessions will be emailed to you in June. Please note that you are still required to send us the Camera-Ready of your paper by the due date for publication in the proceedings. Your Camera-Ready paper should not exceed 7 IEEE style pages. SRP papers (Short Research Paper) will be a maximum of 4 IEEE style pages in Camera-Ready form (will be published in the proceedings). SRP papers will be presented in DISCUSSION Sessions. Authors of these papers are expected to bring with them to the conference a maximum of 10 pages describing their paper. These pages will be pinned to presentation boards during the DISCUSSION Sessions. Please use large fonts so that the paper can be read from about 1.5 meter distance - any reasonable typesetting format is acceptable. Authors of SRP papers are expected to be present during these sessions to answer any questions that readers might have (scheduled times for DISCUSSION Sessions will be emailed to you in June. Please note that you are still required to send us the Camera-Ready of your paper by the due date for publication in the proceedings. Your Camera-Ready paper should not exceed 4 IEEE style pages. PST papers (Poster) WILL NOT be included in the conference proceedings for publication. PST papers describe research projects that are at early stages of their design. PST papers will be presented in DISCUSSION Sessions. Authors of these papers are expected to bring with them to the conference a maximum of 10 pages describing their paper. These pages will be pinned to presentation boards during the DISCUSSION Sessions. Please use large fonts so that the paper can be read from about 1.5 meter distance. Any reasonable typesetting format is acceptable. Authors of PST papers are expected to be present during these sessions to answer any questions that readers might have (scheduled times for DISCUSSION Sessions will be emailed to you in June). SUMMARY: RRR, SRP and PST mode of presentation is Poster Style. The difference however is that RRR and SRP papers get published in the proceedings. TO BE REMOVED FROM THIS EMAIL LIST: To be removed from this email list, send a note to (it would be helpful to attach a copy of the email header in which this announcement was in.) ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From Ioannis.Emiris at Tue Apr 16 13:07:19 2002 From: Ioannis.Emiris at (Dr. Ioannis Emiris) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: Postdoc in bioinformatics Message-ID: <> POST-DOCTORAL POSITION IN STRUCTURAL BIOINFORMATICS Distance Geometry and High-throughput Structural Genomics by NMR English announcement: Annonce fran?aise: Within the framework of a Bioinformatics Project among CNRS, INSERM, INRA, and INRIA. Keywords: Bioinformatics, Structural Biology, Data Processing, Distance Geometry, Conformational Search Duration: one year Laboratories: Laboratoire de Biochimie Theorique (IBPC, Paris): 8 months Laboratoire GALAAD (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis): 4 months Financial support: ~1780 Euro /month net ie. ~2200 Euro /month gross (INRIA postdoctoral fellowship) Availability of the support: April 2002 Profile: Scientist, having a PhD in - structural biology, bioinformatics or molecular modelling, - or in algorithm design or applied mathematics. The postdoc fellow will spend some time in each of the two labs indicated above, namely 8 and 4 months respectively. A practical ability in programming (C, C++, Fortran, perl, cgi scripts) will be appreciated. A wish to enlarge his scientific horizons and an ability to communicate with scientists from other fields is essential. Project: Structural biology has significantly evolved, during the last years, following the massive increase of information on proteins, coming from genomics projects. A new approach of structural problems appeared, namely structural genomics, in which the structure of a large number of proteins has to be determined and moreover, as much as this is possible, in an automatic way. The methods for structure determination are those of classical structural biology: NMR and X-ray crystallography. But they have to be modified in order to increase throughput. One major problem in applying NMR to structural genomics projects is the long step of spectral assignment by hand, during which the signal produced on a protein sample by NMR spectrometers has to be analyzed in order to determine the structural parameters which will be used for structure determination. The project presented here consists of developing methods of fast determination of protein structure from unassigned NMR spectra, and in making these methods available to the scientific community as Internet tools. These tools will complete an existing server predicting the amino-acid type from the chemical shifts of their hydrogens and a database of raw NMR spectra. The project will use the methods already developed by the two partner laboratories: - Geometry, Algebra and Algorithms for the GALAAD team (Ioannis Z. Emiris and Bernard Mourrain, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis). Related publication: Emiris, I.Z., and Mourrain, B. (1999) "Computer algebra methods for studying and computing molecular conformations", Algorithmica. - Analysis and automatic assignment of NMR spectra for the group in the Laboratoire de Biochimie Th?orique (Th?r?se Malliavin, IBPC, Paris), in relation with the Centre de Biochimie Structurale (CBS: Marc-Andr? Delsuc and Jean-Luc Pons). Related publications: Pons, J.L., and Delsuc, M.A. (1999) "RESCUE: an artificial neural network tool for the NMR spectral assignment of proteins", J. Biomol. NMR 15, 15-26. Malliavin, T.E., Barthe P., and Delsuc, M.A. (2001) "FIRE: predicting the spatial proximity of protein residues from a 3D HSQC-NOESY", Theor. Chem. Accts 106, 91-97. The bioinformatics tools developed in the frame of this project will be tested on real-life data recorded on Lipid Transfer proteins. The protein samples will be over-expressed in the Laboratoire de Biochimie et Biologie Mol?culaire des Cer?ales (INRA - Montpellier). Related publication: de Lamotte, F., Boze, H., Blanchard, C., Klein, C., Moulin, G., Gautier, M.F., and Delsuc M.A. (2001) "NMR monitoring of accumulation and folding of 15N-labeled protein overexpressed in Pichia pastoris", Protein Expr. Purif. 22, 318-324. Application: Applications should include a CV and the candidate's publications, if any. For submitting applications (preferably electronically) or further inquiries, please contact: Th?r?se MALLIAVIN Charge de Recherches au CNRS Laboratoire de Biochimie Theorique Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique 13, rue P. et M. Curie F-75005 Paris Mail: Tel: (33) +1 58 41 51 68 Fax: (33) +1 58 41 50 26 -- Ioannis EMIRIS, PhD Tenured researcher INRIA Sophia-Antipolis B.P. 93, 06902 France tel +33-4-9238-7651 fax +33-4-9238-7978 ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From Remco.Veltkamp at Fri Apr 26 17:47:14 2002 From: Remco.Veltkamp at (Remco Veltkamp) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: CFP: Special Issue on Shape Algorithmics Message-ID: <> Call for papers ALGORITHMICA Special Issue on Shape Algorithmics Submission deadline: 1 May 2002 Algorithmica is planning a special issue on algorithms for shape analysis. Papers describing original research are solicited that deal with algorithmic issues of the processing of sets of points, curves, regions, and volumes that represent form information. Submissions addressing general methodological issues and significant case studies in this area are especially welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * shape representation * shape similarity measures * (weighted) point set matching * matching two (sets of) curves, regions, or volumes * skeletonization * shape decomposition * shape approximation * morphing * retrieval from a large collection * perception In all cases, the algorithmic aspects are especially important (such as the algorithm design, theoretical complexity, practical efficiency, algorithm behavior). Important Dates: o Submission Deadline: May 1, 2002. o Acceptance Decision: by September 1, 2002. o Final Version Due: October 1, 2002 Electronic submission is preferred. Please email a PostScript or PDF file of your manuscript together with a cover letter to the guest editor of this issue: Alternatively, you can send 4 hardcopies to: Remco C. Veltkamp Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Padualaan 14 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands All submissions will be refereed following the normal standard and practices of Algorithmica. Additional information can be obtained by communicating with the special issue editor. Algorithmica is an international journal in computer science published by Springer-Verlag, -------------------------------------------------------------------- Remco Veltkamp, Center for Geometry, Imaging, and Virtual Environments Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands phone: +31-30-2534091, fax: +31-30-2513791 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From afra at Graphics.Stanford.EDU Fri Apr 26 15:39:59 2002 From: afra at Graphics.Stanford.EDU (Afra Zomorodian) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: Box Intersection Software Message-ID: Hi, I've placed software for intersecting axis-aligned boxes and cubes in three dimensions online at: The approach is described in: @article{ZoEd02, author = "Zomorodian, A. and Edelsbrunner, H.", title = "Fast Software for Box Intersection", journal = "Comput. Geom. Theory Appl." year = 2002, volume = 12, pages = "143--172", } I appreicate any comments or rants. Thank you. Afra ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at From skala at Sat Apr 27 21:37:51 2002 From: skala at (Vaclav Skala) Date: Mon Jan 9 13:41:06 2006 Subject: WSCG homepages updates References: Message-ID: <00dc01c1ee1b$c2c06180$> Dear friends, I have updated the WSCG pages and they contain full on-line repository since 1992 at I hope you will find them useful for your work Topic included: Computer graphics and scientific visualization, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, fundamental algorithms, geometric modeling and computer aided geometric design, computational geometry, rendering and virtual reality, animation and multimedia, medical imaging, graphical interaction, object?oriented graphics, WWW technologies, parallel and distributed graphics, CAD/CAM, DTP and GIS systems, applications and related fields Yours vaclav Skala ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prof.Ing.Vaclav Skala, CSc. University of West Bohemia Computer Science Dept. Secretary: Centre for Computer Graphics and Visualization Univerzitni 8, Box 314 306 14 Plzen Czech Republic e-mail: URL: WSCG: URL: tel: +420-19-74 91 188 tel.(secretary): +420-19-74 91-212 fax: +420-19-74 91-213 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------- The compgeom mailing lists: see or send mail to with the line: send readme Now archived at