Software release for smoothing point clouds, and normal and feature estimations

tamal dey tamaldey at
Thu Jul 28 13:54:56 PDT 2005

Dear Geometers,

We are pleased to announce the release of the AMLS software. This 
software produces ``smooth point clouds'' from a noisy one which can be 
fed to a standard reconstruction software.The software is based on a new 
definition of MLS surfaces (known in graphics) as presented in the 
following paper.

   T. K. Dey and J. Sun. An adaptive MLS surface for reconstruction with
   guarantees. Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2005),

We are also releasing the NormFet software that can estimate the 
normals and feature sizes of a surface from its possibly noisy point 
sample. The output of this software can be fed as an input to AMLS which 
requires input point clouds be equipped with normals and feature sizes.
NormFet is based on a recent result presented in the following paper.

   T. K. Dey and J. Sun. Normal and feature estimations from noisy point
   clouds. Technical-report OSU-CISRC-7/50-TR50, July, 2005.

The software can be downloaded from:



---Tamal K. Dey

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